It’s October and fall is in full-swing! Edie loves to cook, and she wanted to share her favorite fall dish with all of you: Hungarian Szekely Goulash. It’s rich, warm, and flavorful; perfect for a chilly day with your loved ones.
For the recipe, see below:
Hungarian Szekely Goulash
Ingredients (for 4 servings)
1.5 lbs Pork
2 lbs Sauerkraut, fresh and drained
2 Onions, sliced/chopped
1 Green Pepper
Dash of Salt and Pepper
1 TSP Caraway seeds
1/4 cup Paprika
3/4 cup Sour Cream
Brown the pork, onions, and bell pepper in a large pan.
Season with S&P and add Caraway seeds.
Stir in the sauerkraut (be sure it’s rinsed and drained)
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 2 hours, stir occasionally. Cook until pork is nice & soft; add water if needed.
20 minutes before goulash is done, stir in sour cream and paprika. Do not allow the goulash to boil at this point.
Over 22 multidisciplinary workshops, presentations, film and discussions on resilience, trauma informed care, nonviolence, human dignity, memoir writing, multiculturalism, healing, expressive arts, inclusivity, activism, innovative non-pathologizing trauma-informed care, epigenetics, ecology, biology and social justice were offered throughout the four day WISeR Annual Conference.
Edie speaking at WISeR’s Peacemaker Celebration
Dr. Edie’s Peace Maker’s Celebration Event presentation on Saturday, and her brilliant Berkeley workshop on Sunday coalesced not only SFBay National week of Non Violence events and WISeR Annual Conference Themes. Dr. Eger also unified, contextualized and fomented the many life-affirming and inspiring endeavors of community partners, attorneys, scientists, nurses, physicians, therapists, activists, artists, filmmakers, business people, researchers, educators, families and peacemakers everywhere; underscoring the importance of doing good for others, unconditional love, and how each individual – each and every human being – has the capacity to heal. Dr. Edie demonstrated how we can all practice unconditional love and forgiveness. She meaningfully articulated how each and every individual matters, and we can all work together toward making the world a better place.
The Choice @ WISeR
After her inspiring Saturday evening presentation on Forgiveness and Resilience, Dr. Edie graciously signed copies of her memoir, “The Choice: Embrace the Possible.” While the electroacoustic harp trio performed special tributes to Dr. Edie, with standards & favorites “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” and “A Nightingale Sang on Berkeley Square” onstage, Dr. Edie greeted attendees enthusiastically. The line filled the theatre lobby.
Electroacoustic Harp Trio
Dr. Edie’s books were provided at the theatre venue by San Francisco’s own Book Shop West Portal. Susan Tunis from Book Shop West Portal is also an alum of Saybrook University and was thrilled to have an opportunity to meet Dr. Edie. All of Edie’s books sold out!
Dr. Edie was followed by presenters Law Professor David Yamada on Eliminationist Behaviors and Workplace Bullying; Fine Artist, Educator and Ecologist Heidi Hardin, on the UN ACE’s Elimination Initiative and Global Center for Human Family Peace Project; Global Trauma Care Initiative Diana Canant’s Turning the Tide of Trauma; and Lauded Therapist, Filmmaker, Educator and Activist, Satsuki Ina PhD “And Then They Came for Us” Talk and Film Screening.
Fellow WISeR Peace Makers Presenter, Suffolk Law Professor, WISR Alumnus and WISR Board of Trustees Member; David Yamada JD, PhD had this to say about Saturday’s event and Dr. Edie’s memoir in his blogon Monday:
“I was so moved by Dr. Edie’s presentation that I read her book cover-to-cover during the long flight back from San Francisco to Boston… I cannot recommend this intelligent and deeply humane book too highly.”
Ray D’Arcy from RTÉ Radio One’s The Ray D’Arcy Show graciously interviewed Dr. Eger about her memoir “The Choice” and her life as a Holocaust survivor and psychologist. RTÉ’s Today Show has been trailing clips of this interview all week, stating that they “highly recommend” “The Choice” and that “it will change your life.”
The Choice is… a book that will stay with you for a lifetime. — Ray D’Arcy, RTÉ Radio One
Perhaps this is partly why “The Choice” is #2 on Ireland’s Bestseller list. Congratulations Edie! Get your copy of “The Choice” today: Amazon | B&N
Broadly. (yes, with a period!), an imprint of renowned digital platform Vice, is devoted to representing the woman’s experience. In an interview with Dr. Eger, reporter Mitchell Sunderland explores Edie’s perspectives on PTSD, trauma, and the similarities between Holocaust survivors and soldiers fighting the war in Iraq.
The Choice uses Eger’s journey to teach readers how they, too, can triumph over trauma. —Mitchell Sunderland on Dr. Eger’s “The Choice”
Dr. Eger has devoted decades to giving back to the U.S. military that saved her life, through extensive PTSD therapy, visits to military establishments across America, and by serving as a consultant for the U.S. Army and Navy.
Dr. Eger has been extremely well-received across the Atlantic. Her bestselling memoir “The Choice: Embrace the Possible” is #2 in New Zealand, and has had multiple features such as her interview with the NZ Nine to Noon radio show, which is currently the most listened-to podcast on NZ’s National Radio, as well as a digital feature for the NZ Herald and a four page feature spread in Australia’s #1 magazine, The Australian Women’s Weekly with interviewer and AWW editor, Juliet Riedan.
We’re so pleased that Edie’s story is being embraced by so many! To purchase your copy of “The Choice” visit your favorite bookseller online or in-store today. Amazon | B&N
Follow Dr. Eger on Facebook to stay up-to-date with upcoming events, engagements, and more!
With Edie returning to her stomping grounds in the upcoming week, it’s only fitting that El Paso Inc’s David Crowder wanted to feature the therapist, speaker, and rising debut author. We’re loving all of the wonderful feedback we’re getting from Texas about “The Choice.”
Of Edie, David says:
Eger writes candidly about family problems, raising two daughters and a son, divorce and her early, gritty years in the Department of Psychiatry at William Beaumont Army Medical Center.
Edie can’t wait to connect and invigorate her El Paso audience. She will be signing and discussing “The Choice” at the Sunland Park Barnes & Noble. To RSVP, visit her FB page! Address and information below:
Kveller, a popular source for Jewish parenting tips, tricks, and lifestyle hacks, featured Dr. Eger and her memoir “The Choice.” Writer Joanna C. Valente focused on Eger’s history with trauma and her experiences working with the U.S. military. Of Dr. Eger, Valente calls her “groundbreaking,” saying that she “paved the road for treatment of trauma survivors.” Edie’s momentum continues!
The military is really difficult. They tell you, “Military comes first, and family comes second.” When I’ve worked with military with PTSD, they tell me two things: “We were put in [a] place we weren’t prepared for. We were told one thing and found another.” When we get angry, we aren’t angry at what is happening. We are angry because our expectations aren’t met. — Dr. Edith for Kveller
Irish Times Print with Rider version of "The Choice"
The Irish Times published a wonderful article from established author Arminta Wallace, discussing everything from Edie’s memoir “The Choice” and her decision to find joy to marching with Martin Luther King and building her family in America.
“Then I began to think – if I’m gonna live, I need to be for something. Not just against something, but for life. And for being a functional human being.” — Dr. Eger for Irish Times
The Daily Mail published an adaptation from Dr. Eger’s “The Choice: Embrace the Possible,” which now has over six thousand social media shares and nearly one thousand comments!
To get involved with the Daily Mail and share your voice with Edie’s community, click here!
New York’s Jewish Week Media Group included “The Choice” in their “38 Books to Read this Fall,” stating that Dr. Eger’s memoir is a combination of “personal reminiscence and case studies” from the “resilient 89-year-old.”
Warwick’s “THE CHOICE” Launch: Dr. Eger discusses love, forgiveness, and humor during the standing-room only event at the country’s oldest independent bookstore.
Over 100 copies of “The Choice” signed & sold
What would normally be a casual evening at a local bookstore in La Jolla became a night to remember as San Diego locals lined up in droves for the opportunity to hear renowned psychologist and Holocaust survivor, Dr. Edith Eger, discuss her acclaimed new memoir THE CHOICE.
Edie personalizes a fan’s new copyEdie and Wendy Walker discuss “The Choice”
An unprecedented amount of guests filed into Warwick’s on September 5th, making THE CHOICE book launch one of the most well-attended events in the beloved bookseller’s history. Joined by Wendy Walker, long-time CNN producer and executive producer for ABC’s “Notorious,” Edith told her story in the hope of helping those in attendance with their own stories. The psychologist, great-grandmother, and new author connected with everyone in the room as if they were her patients, or even her family. It was an atmosphere of sincerity, trust, and open discussion as Edith addressed her own experiences with hate, oppression and resilience, and how her story resonates in today’s climate of intolerance.
Attendees lining up to get their copy of “The Choice” signed
Readers who purchased a copy of Edith’s memoir from Warwick’s were able to meet Edith after the author talk and have their books signed and personalized. The signing was so popular that Warwick’s sold out its inventory of THE CHOICE! They ultimately ordered dozens more copies for attendees who lined up to have even a bookmark signed by the inspiring author and psychologist.
Edith continued to engage her audience during the book signing with laughs about her experience as a sexologist, sobering stories of her Auschwitz past, and an endearing conversation with a young 14-year old fan — resulting in the 89-year-old avid dancer wowing the room with her pitch perfect high-kick.
Families take photos with debut author/mentor
“It was truly an honor to host Edie at Warwick’s. Her wisdom, love, spirit and understanding mesmerized and inspired an audience of over 200 people, young and old, men and women. It was truly a remarkable evening, and I left the store with no doubt that the other attendees were feeling similarly moved and reflective. She gave us all a lasting gift.”
—Nancy Warwick, Warwick’s owner
San Diego’s Channel 10 interviews Edie before event begins
Under the direction of news anchor, Kimberly Hunt, ABC Television affiliate KGTV’s 10News spotlighted the event. Armando Aparicio interviewed Edith before the Warwick’s author engagement. Bree Steffen reporting. Edith was thrilled by their wonderful coverage and their eagerness to share her important and meaningful life story with the world.