“The account given by Dr. Edith Eva Eger of the holocaust will be etched in the minds of those who attended. A compelling remembrance was the vitality and optimism of Dr. Eger. Despite the appalling rigors of her youthful experience, she chose to be positive and optimistic and this had enormous impact on those who were gathered.”
—David Lange, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
“Edie’s history is amazing. Her love of life and people is amazing. We were deeply touched by Edie’s humanistic approach to business, as well as her genuine concern regarding ethics, communications, and the business family.”
—Berta Stead, President National Yellow Pages Consulting Associates, Inc.
“Rising above your own traumatic beginnings during the reign of Hitler in Germany, including the death of your own parents, you have shown great courage by helping others to survive their own personal tragedies.”
—Maureen O’Connor, Former Mayor of San Diego
“Ms. Eger is a brilliant woman. She is not only a highly intelligent and warm and sensitive person, but is also possessed of a deep wisdom. I have always found it to be a terribly moving and richly ennobling experience to see her strength, her lack of bitterness, and her compassion.”
—Dr. John H. Haddox, University of Texas, El Paso
“. . . an extraordinary professional and charismatic workshop leader. She brings her discipline of psychology, interweaves a vibrant religious perspective, and leavens the whole with humor and genuine caring.”
—Carl Kahrs Towley, Chaplain, USA Chief Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii