Fun Facts
Edie’s Texas Connection
Edie has quite a history in Texas where she lived for many years. Two of her children still call Texas home, living in El Paso and Austin, respectively. In 1969, she received her first degree in Psychology from the University of Texas, El Paso (formerly Texas Western University). She then pursued her doctoral internship at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center at Fort Bliss, Texas where she began her work with veterans and active duty soldiers suffering from PTSD.
Edie Turns 90, Still Dancing Like She’s 20!
Edie loves to cook, and wanted to share her favorite dishes with all of you.
The Jerusalem Post includes the recipe for Palacsinta a la Edie
In their article “Your guide to the Festival of Lights“, this recipe by Edie and her daughter, Dr. Marianne Engle, appears along with other holiday favorites.

Ingredients (serves 6)
3 eggs
1¼ cups flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp. sugar
1 cup carbonated water
Pure vanilla extract, almond extract and salt to taste
Make a smooth dough with the first four ingredients, add the rest. Taste and adjust the flavor. Heat a pan and add a small piece of butter to melt. Put a half ladle amount of mix in the pan with the melted butter. Swirl the pan to spread a thin round mixture. Cook until lightly browned. Do this for every palacsinta. Take each one and fill with filling of choice – like jam – or cover with walnuts and chocolate sauce.

Edie’s Favorite Fall Dish: Hungarian Szekely Goulash
It’s rich, warm, and flavorful; perfect for a chilly day with your loved ones.
Ingredients (for 4 servings)
1.5 lbs Pork
2 lbs Sauerkraut, fresh and drained
2 Onions, sliced/chopped
1 Green Pepper
Dash of Salt and Pepper
1 TSP Caraway seeds
1/4 cup Paprika
3/4 cup Sour Cream
1. Brown the pork, onions, and bell pepper in a large pan.
2. Season with S&P and add Caraway seeds.
3. Stir in the sauerkraut (be sure it’s rinsed and drained)
4. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 2 hours, stir occasionally. Cook until pork is nice & soft; add water if needed.
5. 20 minutes before goulash is done, stir in sour cream and paprika. Do not allow the goulash to boil at this point.
6. Serve over mashed potatoes.
Edie’s Chicken Paprikash
2 onions finely diced
2-4 tablespoons Paprika (Hungarian noble rose) (can also use Hungarian paprika paste as half of this)
1 green or red pepper diced
1 chicken cut into serving pieces,
4 tomatoes diced
Sour cream (and heavy cream) and one tablespoon flour
Brown chicken in its own fat in an oval Dutch oven. Get it very brown. Remove from pan and use fat to cook onions very slowly until onions are golden and softened. Remove from the heat and add paprika, peppers, tomatoes. Cook slowly to soften the vegetables. Taste to see if the paprika is right. Add more if necessary.
Put chicken back in the pan with the onions and vegetables. Cover and simmer until the chicken is almost tender adding a little water if necessary. Try not to add much water. Remove cover and finish cooking. Remove chicken to a plate and add about a tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and some heavy cream to the pan. Cook at low heat until blended. Salt if necessary.
Serve over the chicken and with Egg Dumplings if desired.
Edie’s Nut Roll
3 cups white flour
3 egg yolks
1 pkg. yeast dissolved in ½ cup warm water
½ lb. butter softened
3 tbsp. sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients and roll into a big ball. Cut in 4 separate pieces. Wrap in aluminum foil and freeze overnight. Defrost before using.
Next day:
Make filling:
Walnuts, start with 2 ½ cups
Sugar, she says it’s a lot! (other recipes add apricot jam and lemon juice or apple but she does not ever!)
Put filling ingredients in the Cuisinart and blend to a paste. Taste and add sugar until you like it. It should be very pasty.
Turn oven on to 350
Roll out each dough as thin as possible on a floured board. Spread filling and roll up. Do this with all four pieces. Put on a cookie sheet and bake until light brown around 30 minutes.